Wednesday, February 19, 2014

President's Day

As if we weren't off of school enough due to snow days, we were off on Monday for President's Day. That meant a couple of things. 1- My kids were a little crazy since they "forgot" what it was like to be in school (I don't blame them after having a 5 day weekend!) and 2- it was a perfect time to teach about presidents! To teach about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, we watched a video on each one on Brainpopjr. Then we had a discussion about why each president was important to our country and various facts about them. As a class, we came up with a list of facts for each president and I typed them on the board. I also added pictures of each one, and they sure got a kick out of what they look like!

To show what we learned about the presidents, we each wrote 3 facts about either Lincoln or Washington and created a fun craft. Take a look at how they turned out!

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