Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Map Unit

As part of our Social Studies curriculum, I have been teaching my first graders about maps. We learned different features of maps including a map key, symbols, and a compass rose. We learned how to use symbols in a map key to find places on a map. We played this game to help us locate places on a map.

We also learned directions on a compass rose. After learning the directions North, East, South, and West, we played a game to practice the directions. I would say a direction and they had to point to that direction. After they got really good at pointing, we played a dancing game where students had to follow my directions. I said things like "two steps north, 5 steps east, 3 jumps south". They had so much fun! I also had let students create their own way to remember the directions on a compass rose. After they created their silly mnemonics, they shared with their classmates and got them laughing! Take a look at what they came up with!

To finish our unit on maps, I had students create their own treasure map. I told students they had to write directions for someone to get from the circle to the X on their map. They needed to include a direction to walk and what they would walk that way. For example, walk north to the volcano. My students had so much fun pretending to be pirates!

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