Monday, February 3, 2014

Snowmen at Night

As a winter writing project, I read Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner with my first graders. We talked about things we do when it snows including have a snowball fight, build a snowman, drink hot chocolate, and build a snow fort. Before I read the book, I told my students to think about what their snowmen do once they go inside and go to sleep. We had a discussion and then I read the story. I also showed the YouTube version (Snowmen at Night) since they love hearing someone read besides me! They loved seeing the crazy things the snowmen did in the story. They especially loved how it said the snowmen drink cold cocoa, since most of them drink hot cocoa after playing in the snow. After reading, I told my kiddies to imagine they were a snowman and to think of things they would do at night. They wrote about what they would do and then created a snowman by ripping up pieces of construction paper.

Here is what they came up with!

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