Thursday, February 6, 2014

Candy Houses

Before winter break, I started something new and exciting with my kiddies. As part our science curriculum, we began talking about engineering and what it meant. We talked about the steps of a science experiment and why it's important to follow these steps before actually doing your experiment. Since it was way back in December when we started this new project, it was a perfect time to build candy houses! Candy houses in school? You bet! We went through the planning process by each drawing our own candy house. Then I put students in groups and they had to present their plan to their teammates. After presenting, each team picked the best ideas and drew a plan for their house on a huge piece of chart paper (they LOVED using chart paper). Once their drawings were finished, I passed out materials and let the building process begin! It wasn't easy to get their structures to stay standing, but each group didn't give up and was able to build and decorate their candy houses.

By the end, everyone felt like successful engineers and their bellies were full of sugar!

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