After we sang the song, we played a game! There were paper plates with pictures of a penny, dime, nickel, or quarter on the carpet. Students began by standing behind a paper plate. I started the music and they started walking around the circle. When the music stopped, they had to get behind a paper plate and identify the coin they were standing behind. I said things like "If you have a penny, touch your toes" or "if you have a quarter, do 10 arm circles." They had fun learning and getting out some energy!
Next, we sorted coins at our tables. Each table got 2 sorting mats, a pile of coins, and cards with values 1, 5, 10, and 25. They had to sort the coins and the card that showed each coin's value.
Finally, each student completed a worksheet independently. I know my kiddies can't wait to start counting coins now that they can identify them!
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