Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Money Money Money

Today was the first day of money, our longest Math unit of the year! The kids love the idea of counting money, but it's always a tough concept. We started with identifying coins and their value. I started Math by teaching a song to help my class remember the coins and their value. Here we are singing the money song! The words are shown on the board :)

After we sang the song, we played a game! There were paper plates with pictures of a penny, dime, nickel, or quarter on the carpet. Students began by standing behind a paper plate. I started the music and they started walking around the circle. When the music stopped, they had to get behind a paper plate and identify the coin they were standing behind. I said things like "If you have a penny, touch your toes" or "if you have a quarter, do 10 arm circles." They had fun learning and getting out some energy!

Next, we sorted coins at our tables. Each table got 2 sorting mats, a pile of coins, and cards with values 1, 5, 10, and 25. They had to sort the coins and the card that showed each coin's value.

Finally, each student completed a worksheet independently. I know my kiddies can't wait to start counting coins now that they can identify them!

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