Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Synonyms and Antonyms

It's time for good old synonyms and antonyms! I started out with antonyms since kids seem to be more familiar with opposites, which is just what antonyms are! I showed a bunch of words on the board and told my kiddies to read the words. I took an index card, read the word, then found the word on the board that was it's antonym (opposite). Then I gave each student an index card and told them to find the word on the board that was the antonym. We read the list of words one at a time and when we read the word that was the antonym of the word on their index card, they came up and taped it on the board. After we got through the whole list, we played a game where they had to identify antonyms. Then they went to their seat to match more antonyms. The next day, I told students they were going to write antonym pairs. We created a list of antonyms on the board and then I gave each student a cut out of an ant. They had to write 3 pairs of antonyms on the legs of the ant. They had so much fun!

For synonyms, we started a little differently. I told the kiddies what synonyms were (words that mean the same thing) and then gave them each an index card with a word. I told them their job was to find another person who had a word that meant the same thing. Once all students found their partner, we shared all of the synonym pairs as we sat in a circle on the carpet. Then we played a game to match synonyms. Finally, the students went to their seat to complete a worksheet matching synonyms. The next day, we created a list of synonyms on the board. I told my class they were going to write synonyms on a synonym bun (kinda like a cinnamon bun... ha!). They loved the play on words!

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