Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April Fool's

I had seen on lots of different blogs ways that teachers fooled their classes on April Fool's Day, so I decided to try something new! I told my kiddies that I brought them a treat today and if they had a great day, I would give them brownies. They were so excited about my treat! At the end of the day, I told them they were all wonderful and earned their special treat. I told everyone to close their eyes as I passed out their brownies. Once I was done, I told them they could open their eyes. When they did, they were all shocked, as they saw brown e's cut out of paper sitting on their table in front of them. Boy, were they surprised!!!!! Their reactions were absolutely hilarious and they couldn't believe I tricked them!

The next day, I brought them real brownies and they were much happier with those than the brown e's. They couldn't wait to try my trick on their brothers and sisters!

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